Qualitative lighting design for offices

Zonal lighting analyses where the user needs which light: luminaires with good glare control and simultaneously high cylindrical illuminances, light the workstations, enable good visual comfort and achieve good, pleasant facial illumination. Illuminated vertical surfaces ensure a bright spatial impression and balanced contrast conditions for work on screens. Illumination of the circulation zone in the central aisle allows pleasant orientation.

Conventional lighting design for offices

A matrix solution with panel lights does not reference the visual task of the user. Differing forms of work are supported with the same lighting. This is therefore not optimally matched to the needs of all users, and losses in terms of ambience and concentration must be expected. Furthermore, the low-contrast and undefined appearance of the room may cause fatigue and energy needs for sufficient lighting also increase.

The debate concerning attractive, creatively stimulating and flexible office worlds is in full swing but a considerable part of office equipment is still observed quantitatively – the lighting. Although light is of essential importance in knowledge-orientated work environments that focus on people: light can significantly contribute to the quality of the room and support dialogue and concentration. We show you what lighting concepts look like that meet the needs of a dynamic, digitally networked knowledge society.

Which functions does light adopt in office buildings?

Office lighting needs to fulfil a variety of requirements: in every project designers are faced with the challenge of bringing together normative specifications, economic targets, constructional conditions and design aspects into a single concept. A theoretical model of lighting functions helps to evaluate the quality of lighting not just according to purely quantitative criteria such as illuminance or energy efficiency figures. It separates lighting from the static cubic room to focus on the utilisation of the spacial situation – the interior, the façade and also the exterior.
In this way the function becomes clear: should a room area represent, guide, make concentrated work possible, support open communication or provide inspiration and change? The model of the lighting functions enables designers to flexibly respond to a high diversity of architectural situations and work methods within an increasingly dynamic world of work, as well as modularly grouping lighting tasks and scaling room areas according to needs. It is ideal as the basis for qualitative, perception-orientated lighting design. At the start of each lighting project, it is important for lighting designers to ask the following three questions for each required functional area:

Solving lighting tasks in a perception-orientated way

ZESS supports customers with efficient luminaire configurations and demonstrates the benefits of qualitative lighting design for users and building operators. Precise lighting technology provides low energy costs and avoidance of glare at workplaces. Assessment of light effects and the clarification of technical details at the showroom or building site are of course also part of the service spectrum. Extensive design aids for luminaire configurations and light simulations create high levels of design reliability.

Efficiently planning lighting tools

During detailed planning, ZESS supports lighting designers when selecting the luminaire, in specific design and technology facets and when commissioning the lighting installation. In-house developed control gear and timeless design provide maximum precision. Compatibility throughout the ranges achieves added aesthetic value and high flexibility. Photometric data provides best preconditions for reliable implementation in the project.

Project support from the start of construction

ZESS lighting consultants provide extensive support with the individual analysis of projects, in project management and with regard to overall cost calculations. This in turn provides individual lighting solutions for indoor and outdoor applications. The sustainable product quality of ZESS also ensures reliable operation and maximum durability. Extended warranties and customer services are also offered.